Some of my memorable teachers are not in school but in my training as a physician. I venerate teachers in general and I am sympathetic to their toiling in the background to make school happen.

I like the way this piece starts from and remains centered on the question at the interview. I like the easy conversational style of the narrative

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Excellent point that teaching doesn’t happen just in classrooms, and I think that those of us that have had good teachers understand about going through life, learning and teaching seamlessly while living . Thanks for the feedback.

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...and we don't know for sure what effect we are having at the time

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My teacher Jill Benton believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. At all. So grateful to her, always and forever. And to you, too, Janice. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story. 😘

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Michelle, I know you mean the world to your students and they will continue to be taught by you long after they leave your classroom.

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