Honorable intentions and well said but I'm having trouble seeing it crack open the shell of a hardened DJT supporter with blinders on. They do not want to compromise, or find common ground, or even engage in civil discourse. What I have said to a few died in the wool, intentionally misspelled, ultra-conservatives is the great line from former Senator Daniel Moynihan: "You are entitled to your own opinions. You are not entitled to your own facts." That doesn't do a whole lot to continue the conversation, or open many minds, but there have been a couple of good folks willing to consider.

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Yes, I get that, and if I didn't, I have a text from my next-door neighbor to remind me of that. We are just trying to get through to our children and grandchildren who aren't as entrenched.

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Here’s a letter I wrote back in March to 11 of our grandchildren over 18:


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