Jul 1Liked by Janice Hoffmann

Beautiful letter to your mother! I don't think we can help but pull away from our moms. They give us so much and a lot of it is the strength to see and do other things.

*and then they make us feel guilty for ever leaving them* (Ok, I'm just joking here) (probably it's my Jewish upbringing bringing up the guilt). You've given me so much to think about!

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I hope, somehow, you know that, ultimately, you didn’t lose me at all, but I understand that you probably didn’t know that the night you went to sleep and never woke up, so I’m telling you now: “Mother, I love you.”

Very moving, Janice!

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Wait a minute! Am I hearing this correctly? That someone who just told you what a miserable daughter she was is an inspiration? I've got to soak in that, and I'm touched that you were moved enough to write.

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Thanks. Your comment means a lot. I like your quote: "It's never too late to nurture and heal yourself!"

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Thank you for your courage in sharing this. It’s so difficult for mothers to give their daughters what they need, because so many didn’t get what they needed and don’t know how to govern it to themselves. You are an inspiration I showing us all it’s never too late to nurture and heal yourself!

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