I’ve little doubt I’m a neighborhood character! I’m seen walking my two dogs twice a day, and I’m generally all in black. Many people know me from the years I was editor of the daily paper this town once had. Others probably draw certain conclusions. They’re always shocked to learn I’m a writer.

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I feel you! I'm a fourth-generation farmer who broke with tradition. I created another Substack thread called Sangamon Stories and wanted to channel Spoon River Anthology but I haven't fleshed it out yet (although I have a backlog of stories about going to the "sale barn" and other farm adventures) because I decided multiple stacks were/are confusing. I love connecting with you. My other favorite Illinois stories are https://storiesbyjanus.substack.com/p/dads-funeral-beloved-husband-father?r=28rbmj andhttps://storiesbyjanus.substack.com/p/dear-mother?r=28rbmj

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